Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI SMK/SMA Semester Genap

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Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris  Kelas XI SMK/SMA Semester Genap

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Cuplikan Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris  Kelas XI SMA/SMK Semester Genap

TAHUN PELAJARAN 2019/2020/2021/2022/2023


Mata Pelajaran :  Bahasa Inggris
K e l a s  :  XI ( SEBELAS )
Hari, Tanggal  :  
W a k t u  :  60 MENIT

I. Berilah tanda silang (X) pada salah satu huruf a, b, c, d, atau e pada jawaban yang paling benar. 

This text is for the following question
School should be Closed during the Asiad: INASGOC
The Indonesian Asian Games Organizing Committee (INASGOC) has proposed that schools in Jakarta should be closed for the 2018 Asian Games, which will kick off in august.
The government must find a way to reduce traffic  congestion in Jakarta by between 20 – 30 percent, and one of the ways to do this is to close schools and adjust office hours. The authority who should implement such a policy must be involved.  Clearing the roads of jakarta’s students  going to and from school can reduce the travel time of athletes competing in the Games very significantly.
The Jakarta administration has to manage traffic from the athletes’ village in Kemayoran, Central Jakarta, to the main Asian Games venue, the Gelora Bung Karno sports complex in Central Jakarta, to comply with standards set by the Organizing Committee of asia (OCA) regarding athletes’ traveling time. The OCA  has stated that travel times between the two points should not exceed 34 minutes. Without congestion in the city athletes and officials would only spend 30 minutes on the road traveling from one venue to another within downtown Jakarta.
From the facts above it is clear that the Jakarta Administration should close schools during the Asian Games in order to make this event successfully held.
1. According to the text above, if schools are closed during the Asian Games . . . 
A. The traffic jam will be complicatedly overcome
B. The travel time of the athletes will be reduced
C. The students will witness all of the matches
D. The streets will be very busy
E. The teacher will be free

2. Based on the text, we know that the writer . . . 
A. is preparing the INASGOC next meeting
B. is arranging the new traffic system in Jakarta
C. wants his sons and all of students to study at home
D. is imagining to make a shortcut of his own travel time
E. is designing the concept to reduce the travel time of the athletes

3. How is the idea of paragraph 2 toward the one of paragraph 4?
A. In paragraph 2, government should close schools to reduce the travel time and in paragraph 3 government must manage traffic to cut the travel time.
B. In both paragraph the government states that it will cut the travel time by closing the school for a month and designing new system of traffic light entire Jakarta.
C. In both paragraph government is designing the way to cut the travel time from school to the main Asian Games Venue, the Gelora Bung Karno sports complex.
D. In paragraph 2 government should close schools in order students can watch the games and in paragraph 3 the government must manage the traffic to cut the travel time,
E. In paragraph 2 government should close the particular schools nearby the athletes’ village in order to cut the travel time to the center of games held and in paragraph 3 it isn’t mentioned.

Complete this paragraph!
Solar energy … (4) in telephone communications, space technology, and farming. Solar batteries …..(5) been examined for a number of years to power telephone lines. They are now ….(6) to recharge batteries which give power to the instruments used in space vehicles.
A. can use
B. can be used
C. could not be used
D. could use
E. could not use

A. has
B. to have
C. have
D. had
E. having

A. used
B. use
C. to use
D. using
E. uses

7. John  : You look so busy, Margareth. What are you doing?
    Margareth  : I am listing the people who have bought my products.
    John : It seems you have made a great success in marketing.
    Margareth : You’re right. My boss ……me a reward if I ….. 1,000 packets.
 The suitable words to complete the sentence are ….
A. will give – can sell
B. give – can sell
C. can give – can sell
D. give – will sell
E. can give – will sell

This text is for the following question
There are any kinds of cactus plants, but most grow in deserts and other dry places. These plants have adaptations, or special features, that let them live in places where there is little water.
Imagine only having to take one big drink of water two or three times a year! That’s all the water a cactus plants needs.
The cactus is made up mostly stems and roots. Most kinds of cactus have no leaves or leaves that are very small. The cactus is made for storing water, and water can escape through leaves.
The roots of a cactus spread out close to the surface of the ground. When it rains, the roots soak up as much water as possible. 
Cactus plants do not close to one another. Each plant needs lots of room to collect water. The stem of the cactus stores the water for the later use.
When spring rains fall on the desert, the cactus plants bloom. Beautiful yellow, red, orange, and white flowers appear on cactus plants. These flowers grow singly rather than in bunch.
8. After reading the text, we know that….
A. Cactus keeps water in its stem
B. Cactus can only grow in desert
C. All kinds of cactus have no flowers
D. All kinds of cactus have no leaves
E. Cactus drinks water during wet seasons

9.  “When it rains, the roots soak up as much water  as possible” (paragraph 3)
The underlined words have the closest meaning with ….
A. penetrate
B. immerse
C. absorb
D. assimilate
E. saturate

10. Cactus plants do not grow close to one another because ….
A. the cactus’ roots spread out close to the surface of the ground.
B. the cactus plants are made for storing water through leaves.
C. each plant needs lots of room to collect water.
D. the stem of the plant stores the water for the later use.
E. most cactus plants have no stems, roots, or leaves.

11. What is the last paragraph talking about?
A. The parts of a cactus plant
B. The time of cactus blooming
C. Kinds of cactus plants
D. The roots of a cactus
E. The distance of cactus plants

Text is for the following question
As an electronic device, a printer requires maintenance. Your maintenance will determine how long it will be in use. Just follow these steps; it is just like brushing your teeth. There are simple everyday things you can do to maintain and prolong the life of your inkjet or laser printer.
  • Outside. Clean the outside printer once a week. Rub the case of the printer with soft cloth, wetted with water or alcohol. Wipe away the dust, the dirt, animal hair and other contaminants. Beware: Stronger cleaners can damage the printer case.
  • Inside. Remove the toner cartridge. Use rubbing alcohol to clean the gears and rollers along the paper path.
  • Vacuum. Use a small portable vacuum to clean dirt and dust from the inside of your printer. You can also clean the vacuum to clean the keyboard.
  • Rock the toner. Rock the cartridge gently from side to side. It will distribute the ink in it. Good distribution of ink will help prolong your cartridge.

12. Why should you shake the cartridge?
A. To distribute the ink well.
B. To clean the cartridge.
C. To vacuum the cartridge.
D. To remove the dust and the dirt.
E. To make the rollers run smooth.

13. “ ….will determine how long it will be in use.”
What does the underlined word mean?
A. ascertain 
B. interfere
C. enlist
D. affect
E. promote

This text is for the following question
Many species of plants are threatened with death. In fact, 20,000 species, or about 10% of all flowering plants are now in some dangers. The most serious threat is caused by man and his activities. New animals and plants are introduced into areas. Unfortunately they destroy the original species. Also, increasing amounts of land are cleared for farming. This destroys native plants.
14. These sentences are taken from the text. Which one is NOT in passive?
A. Many species of plants are threatened with death.
B. Increasing amounts of land are cleared for farming.
C. About 10% of all flowering plants are now in some danger. 
D. New animals and plants are introduced into areas.
E. The most serious threat is caused by man and his activities.

This text is for the following question 
 Nowadays, many people have realized that agriculture is much more important that other supporting tools in economic development. In Indonesia, agriculture should be the priority of development because of some good reasons.
 First of all, the agriculture’s contribution in the beginning of the development of the country was the highest of all sectors. At present, almost half of the total Indonesian labors are working in agriculture sector, but the contribution of agriculture sector does not reach 30%.
 Second, agriculture sector is expected to fulfill the need of food in the country. As the number of population increases in an alarming rate each year, food supply must also increase but agricultural production per capita never increases more than one percent each year, and in some extreme cases, it is even stagnant.
 Last but not least, without agricultural development, the growth of industrial sector will be hampered because the growth that comes from industry will bring a wider gap into the internal economy in that country. In turn, this gap will create serious poverty problem, wider inequality of income distribution, and increase unemployment.
 Based on the above discussion, it is obvious that the government should put agriculture as the priority of national development.
15. The text is about….
A. The importance of agriculture in the economic development
B. The agriculture contribution in the development of the country
C. The growth of industrial sector in the country
D. The equality of agriculture in the country
E. The process of developing the agriculture

16. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To explain how agriculture contributes the country development
B. To emphasize that  agriculture sector is very important for a nation
C. To state that the contribution of agriculture sector does not reach 30%.
D. To persuade that agriculture sector will create serious poverty problem.
E. To persuade that the government should put agriculture the first priority.

17. In order to support economic development, the government should ….
A. produce more food as the priority.
B. reduce labors in agriculture sector.
C. supply more food for the national need.
D. increase industrial sector as the first priority.
E. prioritize agriculture in the national development.

18. The main idea of paragraph 2 is …
A. Almost half of Indonesian labors are working in the agriculture sector.
B. Less than 30% of Indonesian labors work in the agriculture sector.
C. There is no agriculture’s contribution in the beginning of the development.
D. Agriculture’s contribution in the beginning of the development reaches more than 30%
E. Agriculture’s contribution to the government was better than in the beginning of the development.

This text is for the following question 
 The grizzly bear lives in the uplands of western North America. Grizzlies are normally solitary active animals, but in coastal areas the grizzly bears congregate alongside streams, lakes, and river during the salmon spawn. Every other year, the females(sows) produce one to four young (most commonly two) which are small and weigh only about 500 grams (one pound). A sow is very protective of her offspring and will attack if she is being threatened.
 Male grizzly bears can range from weights of 180 to 680 kilograms (400-1.500 pounds) and stand 2.44 meters (8ft) tall on their hind legs; the females are smaller. Their coloring ranges widely across geographic areas, from blond to deep brown or red. These differences, primarily due to the different environments, particularly, which regard to diet and temperature.
 The grizzly has a large hump over the shoulders which is a muscle mass used to poser the forelimbs in digging. The hind legs are more powerful, however. The muscles in the lower legs provide enough strength for the bear to stand up on its hind legs, giving it a better view of its surroundings. The head is large and round with a concave facial profile.
 In spite of their massive size, these bears can run at speeds of up to 40 kilometers per hour (25 miles per hour). However, they are slower running downhill rather than uphill because of the large hump of muscle over the shoulders.
19. What is the best title for the next above?
A. The Grizzly bear
B. The Male Grizzly bear
C. The life of Grizzly bear
D. The habitat of Grizzly bear
E. The characteristic of Grizzly bear

20. “A sow is very protective of her offspring and …” (paragraph 1)
 The underlined word also means ….
A. families
B. habitat
C. spouses
D. babies
E. food

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